Satya-The Truth Yama in Yoga - No More Room for Lies

How Honest Are You, Really, With Yourself And With Others?

Even the most honest person has lied in their lifetime - it can be on a job interview where we pretend to be more interested than we really are just to get hired; it can be at a family gathering where we’re being polite in front of guests despite the arguing that’s occurred behind closed doors, or/and it can be when we’ve convinced ourselves to agree with a popular narrative in order to remain in society’s good graces. Among millions of reasons, these are just a few examples of why we tell lies, believing that sometimes we have to “fake it” in order to get by in the world.

Like the small snowball that gains its momentum by sliding down a mountainside, accumulating in size, we don’t realize how damaging little lies become until they grow too large to stop. This is why practicing Satya is so important.

What is Satya? It is the second Yama in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, which promotes the benefits of practicing complete truthfulness and honesty.

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